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Facebook Messenger now lets you unsend messages

by Warren

The long awaited ‘Delete for Everyone’ feature has finally reached Facebook Messenger, the feature is available for both mobile app and web version of Messenger, letting you delete messages sent within 10 minutes, which is considerably sufficient for most to realize if they had sent unintentional replies to friends.

Deleting a message is just as simple as you do on WhatsApp. On your phone, you tap and hold on the message then choose the ‘Delete’ button, two options will then show up asking if you want to remove for everyone or yourself, the desktop version for this is located at the option button next to the text when you hover your mouse cursor on it.

This is definitely a welcoming news for those who depend on Facebook Messenger to communicate with friends and co-workers, the update is already available for both iOS and Android users, so hit that update button now to save yourself from that awkward moment.

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