Home Featured Rise of the Tomb Raider on macOS now supports eGPU

Rise of the Tomb Raider on macOS now supports eGPU

by Warren

If we were to one AAA title that’s available to play on macOS, that would be the Tomb Raider series which is all thanks to publisher Feral Interactive, who has been responsible for porting PC games to Mac and Linux, the company has today announced that Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration on Mac will support eGPUs, which means you can finally take advantage of that additional graphics power to experience better graphics and performance, if you ever want to play that game on your Mac.

While you should technically get better gaming performance when using an eGPU, you should also be aware that performance can also be limited by the power of your Mac’s CPU. There are already several eGPUs in the market that support Macs right now, including the most recent Razer Core X, and while Apple highly advises that users only pair the eGPU with AMD Radeon cards, some users have reported successful results of using NVIDIA GPUs, you will also need to be on at macOS 10.13.4 or later to support eGPUs.

For more support info of eGPUs on the Mac, check out Apple’s support page here.

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