Home News Apple Watch can detect irregular heartbeat with a 97% success rate

Apple Watch can detect irregular heartbeat with a 97% success rate

by Sookie

It’s been clear that when the Apple Watch first launched, it was positioned to be a stylish accessory that can ease users with lightweight tasks and with convenience of quickly checking notifications. But, it has now changed its marketing narrative whereby the Watch’s main selling point is its health and fitness features. And that’s totally foreseeable.

With multiple cases of the Apple Watch saving lives, a new study was then made by the team behind the Cardiogram app, which reveals the fact that the smartwatch can indeed detect irregular heart rhythms with a 97% of success rate. This backs up another earlier study that the Apple Watch, when used with an AI-based algorithm dubbed DeepHeart, can also detect the early onset of diabetes.

In regards to the detection of irregular heart rhythms, that particular study actually involved 9.750 Cardiogram users and recorded 139 million heart rate measurements. And what’s more, subjects used in the study are very prone to having irregular heart beats, hence, this gives it the credibility that the Apple Watch can be such an accurate and helpful device.

Now, would you consider getting yourself one, if you haven’t already?

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