The best way to keep your memories — both good and bad — with you is to make sure you capture the moments that mattered most. Sometimes, great pictures and videos are all you need to be reminded of the good times, and you won’t necessarily need to depend on cameras thanks to the advancement in smartphone technology. Case in point, the recent Songkran festival that was taken by a few Malaysians and Singaporeans using the iPhone XR, iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max.
A few photographers recently went to Chiang Mai to celebrate Songkran festival — also known as Thai New Year — which is famous for its “water fights”. However, these “water fights” actually hold a deeper meaning than just splashing water at each other. Water is an important element in this festival, where it symbolises cleansing and renewal. Thai people also sprinkle water on Buddha statues, hands of Buddhist monks and their elderly as a sign of respect.
It is expected that if you’re attending Songkran festival, you’re going to be dripping wet with soaked clothes by the end of the day. Therefore, it is important for the photographers to use smartphones that have good cameras and are water-resistant such as the iPhone XR with IP67 rating and the iPhone XS and XS Max with IP68 rating.
The Singaporean photographers shared several tips when it comes to videography and photography during Songkran festival, such as utilising the Time-lapse and Slo-mo functions on iPhone, taking advantage of Smart HDR and using silicone/leather cases for a better grip. Yais Yusman suggested using InShot when it comes to editing videos, while Yudhi Aristan recommended Quik and Splice for video editing and VSCO and Lightroom for photo editing. Singapore’s Yafiq Yusman also shared that the combination of water droplets offers and interesting effect on photos.
On the other hand, Jason Goh from Smashpop suggested shooting vertically and capturing photos from different angles. His favourite editing apps are Snapseed and VSCO, while Sufian Gaffar expressed his love for Quik. Gaffar also mentioned capturing images through reflection — from water or mirrors — which leads to unique framing.
Another Malaysian photographer Zarnizar provided some other less technical tips when it comes to taking pictures and videos during the festival, such as waking up earlier to shoot at the dawn, keeping an eye out for special moments, and having fun while you’re capturing the moments.
It is undeniable that smartphones’ capabilities have long surpassed our expectations and can sometimes be comparable to cameras. This proves that all you need to capture great moments in your life is merely a good smartphone and great editing apps, and the iPhones are already in that category.