WhatsApp may be the more popular messaging app, but it does not have as many features as Telegram. Luckily for WhatsApp users, one feature found in Telegram seems to be coming to the platform soon — self-destructing messages.
In WhatsApp’s latest Android beta, there’s a Delete Messages feature that will supposedly delete messages in a conversation on its own. However, this is only applicable to individual chats, not group chats.
Telegram’s Secret Chat feature allows its users to send self-destructing messages that range from one second up to a week. This will be easier for users to discuss private stuff without leaving traces while making it harder for the other party to screenshot the conversation.
Anyways, WhatsApp users will need to be patient if they’re interested in this feature. It’s only found in the beta version of the app, so there’s no telling when it’ll be available on its public app.