I've bought TP Link AX90 when I found out my 3 units Mesh X20 couldn't give me reasonable speed from 500 Mbps TIME subscription that I have.
But then I regret for purchasing it. For e.g I only able to get around 200 Mbps from my room which is located 10 meters from the router (had to get through a 30cm wall and a door before reaching my room). It doesn't give much difference from the previous X20 unit that I purchased.. so I thought I could get at least 400Mbps instead.
WarrenAugust 10, 2021 - 4:16 pm
It really depends how your setup really is and which node your device is connected to, also you may need to check if the node outside of your room is connected to another node that's too far away, they need to be fairly close and not entirely out of view to get optimal speed.