Samsung Electronics has just announced that they have successfully developed the world’s first 10nm 8GB LPDDR5 DRAM which was made to support 5G connectivity and AI Powered mobile applications. This is not the only advancement they have made in DRAM segment, as they have also developed a 16GB GDDR6 DRAM and a 16GB DDR5 DRAM which was developed in February.
Their LPDDR5 module allows for data rates of up to 6,400 megabits per second which is 1.5 times faster than the LPDDR4X. To put this in perspective, you can transfer 14 FullHD videos files, roughly 3.7GB in size, in a second. The DRAMs will also come in two configurations with different operating voltages, 6,400Mb/s at 1.1V and 5,500Mb/s at 1.05V. This reduces the power consumption but still offer higher speeds. In addition to that, the LPDDR5 model can lower its voltage based on the operating speed of the processor and it can even cut power to its self, Samsung is calling it, Deep Sleep Mode. In this state, the DRAM is drawing half the power of Idle Mode in the current LPDDR4X DRAM. Thanks to this power saving feature, the power consumption levels have been reduced by 30 percent.