Celcom celebrates Malaysia Day with a special gift for customers

In conjunction with the nation’s symbolic celebration of unity and the spirit of love for the country’s well-being and prosperity, Celcom reaches out to all its customers nationwide, with a one-day special offering this Malaysia Day, September 16.

Sincerely from Celcom to all Celcom Xpax prepaid customers, enjoy one hour of free unlimited internet with Ultra Hour Pass and unleash your passion online, with the convenience of unlimited high-speed internet access anywhere and at any time.

For Celcom Mobile postpaid and Celcom Xpax postpaid customers, enjoy free 1GB internet!

All offerings are valid for 24 hours on 16 September 2019 and redeemable via the Celcom Life App only.

Idham Nawawi

Commenting on Celcom’s special Malaysia Day offer, Idham Nawawi, Chief Executive Officer of Celcom Axiata Berhad, said we are proud to be part of the nation’s celebration for unity and prosperity of all Malaysians.

“This special offering is also a small token of our appreciation to our customers, as
we celebrate harmony and unity together with the nation,” he said.

For more information about Celcom’s offerings, visit their website here.

This is a sponsored article from Celcom

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